Crafted specifically for each event, MimoLogos is an engaging program of words intermingled with silence where Carlos Martínez performs without makeup. This gives the actor the freedom to combine a number of his individual mime pieces with personal observations, stories, and texts. The pieces and words are chosen with great care in order to create a program that meets the purpose of the organiser and the expectations of the audience. MimoLogos reflects the communicative essence of the actor: professionalism, sensitivity, humanity and humour.

In this show both the art and the artist remove their makeup to work in tandem with gesture and the word, hand in hand between silence and voice.

Carlos Martínez is our personal guide as he presents his own gallery of mime pieces, brushstrokes in the air, painted before a live audience, with comments on some of the many details in each work of art.

MimoLogos brings to the forefront the artist’s passion for the theatre. Texts and gestures offer a true audio and visual program. Mime (silence) and logos (word) in dialogue on stage, with mutual respect, and always with a dose of humour.

Carlos Martínez, a mime in love with the word.


Crafted specifically for each event, MimoLogos is an engaging program of words intermingled with silence where Carlos Martínez performs without makeup.


For more information contact
Carlos Martínez Management