In the December Newsletter you can find more information about the content of the DVD that can be ordered with the cover and booklet in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian or Spanish. This bulletin also contains many touring photos and, as always, a personal introduction by Carlos Martínez. Sometimes an unkind comment can be transformed into motivation! To discover more … take a look at the most recent online newsletter.
In the August Newsletter, Carlos Martínez pays homage to his colleague and friend who died very unexpectedly on 19th July. Clown Dimitri came to see Carlos Martínez perform for the first time in 2005 at the "Weisser Wind" in Zurich (CH), during the opening tour of his “Human Rights” show. What started out as a professional relationship grew into deepening friendship.
You will find the most recent newsletter online in English, German, or Spanish and you can also subscribe and unsubscribe.
Among the Extras in the Still My Bible DVD there are a number of Video-Selfies sent from organizers of events with Carlos Martínez. Here is a brief sample of comments taken from these selfies:
I cannot get enough of Carlos Martínez and his art of mime. His work gives me much joy and I can say to everyone: watch this DVD.
Christoph Zehendner, Songwriter and Journalist, Germany
When you see Carlos Martínez performing biblical stories, you understand why this book is also titled “Good News”.
Christoph Schwager, Schwager-Theater, Switzerland
I see what I’ve only ever heard or read about. Suddenly the invisible becomes visible without a word being spoken.
Connie Main Duarte, Board Chair of Mission-Net, Portugal
"My Bible" reflects the artist's sensibility, his professionalism, his savoir faire and his tremendous art of communicating through silence.
María Bernal, Multidisciplinary Cultural Events, Spain
The new My Bible DVD recording is now in post-production. This is always the most complicated part. The details are endless.Editing the live recording. Working on the extras (interviews, photographs and extra pieces). Finalizing the DVD menu and the graphic design of the DVD cover, inlay and booklet. Coordinating the different language versions. Meeting with the distributor. Making sure nothing is left out. Work … Yes!! But also expectation as everything comes together and the new My Bible DVD prepares to meet its spectators in August. This is the best moment of the whole process!